dijous, 16 d’abril del 2020

ENGLISH, deures i canvi d'horari

Hello kids!!!

I want to tell you that I liked a lot to see you this morning! Don't forget to get ready for a new callconference next week.

Now I want you to do some homeworks, so take your CLASS BOOK and your ACTIVITY BOOK, please.

If you open them on pages 44-45 you will find the SPACE EXPLORERS story. Do you remember the characters, don't you?

You have to read aloud the story, as we usually do in the class. One or more times. Then, you will be ready to do some exercises on your Activity Book:

Page 44 ex. 1,2, 3

Page 45 ex. 1, 2,3

It's English time and let's read about the EXPLORERS!!

Don't forget to send me your work.

See you next week.

Recordeu també tal i com ja us vaig explicar aquest matí, que a partir de la setmana vinent penjaré els deures d'anglès els dijous i tindreu de temps fins el dimarts de la setmana següent a les 18h per fer l'entrega. Gràcies!



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